Sunday, April 27, 2014

Namaste Babes!

I have been given this opportunity that keeps changing for me. It evolves from work, to inspiration, to education,  to meditation, to appreciation and that can be all in one day.

Since finishing up yoga school and getting back to the real world, I have this ongoing thought of what should I do with the things that I learned, where is it going to take me...? For a while I was like well if it's not happening now it never will, but as I got into actually teaching established yogis, I have come to see that that is not the direction I want my yoga to go, my physical practice isn't at the level of that kind of teaching. I need to get back to basics to be able to share and teach with integrity. I want to be the light that someone goes towards to show them the way into yoga without the large intense environment that some yoga studios can be to newcomers, I will call them yogi babes.

I have had many conversation with people who think they can't do yoga because of this or that and that is who I want to work with. I want to shed some light on the practice in a way that is comfortable for the individual not the group. Learning at a pace that is made for you eliminates the intimidation of the practice. I feel when you teach in the way someone can learn, they will learn more and retain more and be more likely to integrate the practice both mentally and physically into their everyday.

I spend my time with 1 year olds and they learn by example. When doing my practice in their presence they learn. They do things step by step. Starting with simply looking at the floor when on hands and knees. Next step, and maybe that is weeks later, will be straightening the legs when looking at the ground. Little by little has brought me back to the basics. Teaching is not always received when it is forced. Yoga finds you when you need it.  I am lucky to be able to introduce yoga to these little ones and learn through them. I will be posting updates on the progress of this cute and fun chain of events.

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